Community Begins Here

What is a Community Drive?  The keyword is Community.  You are reaching out to your network to collect much-needed goods for kids and families.  Your network might be your co-workers, Girl Scout Troop, synagogue, or school, and you are joining together to provide tangible goods like diapers, clothing, shoes, and more!

Pencils & Pants

Help kids be ready for school and school success by hosting a Collection Drive of school supplies and back-to-school clothing.

See the drive list here

Birthday Buddies 0-2 Years of Age

Purchase teething toys, cloth and board books, and other toys for infants and toddlers to love!

See the drive list here

Birthday Buddies 3-5 Years of Age

Buy the toys you love to shop for, anything from action figures and dolls to Legos!

See the drive list here

Birthday Buddies 6-8 Years of Age

Find that special gift a 6-8 year old would love to have!

See the drive list

Birthday Buddies 9+ Years of Age

Help give older kids something special to remember on their birthday!

See the drive list here

General Collection Drive

A general collection drive keeps our shelves full of items needed every week to fill orders for local kids.  Clothing, bedding, toys, shoes, and baby/child gear can be gently used or new. See our most needed items and purchase them from our online Giving Catalog.

General Collection Drive List

Drive FAQS

Q:  Should I donate goods or cash?  Which is more helpful?

A:  We greatly appreciate donations of both goods and cash, and rely on both to meet the need in our community! We can use cash donations to purchase goods for prices less than retail, so we can make your dollars stretch.  By collecting goods, you are starting important discussions about needs with your friends, family, or co-workers., helping to build a world where all children are healthy, safe, and prepared to build their own futures.

Q: Can I donate used goods?

A: Yes! We accept quality used goods.  That means no rips, stains, holes, or dirty donations.  Ask yourself, “Would I dress my own child or grandchild in it?”  If the answer is yes, donate it! If the answer is no, please find the item another home. (Goods donated are given directly to local children.)

Some items we cannot accept used, such as hygiene items and formula.  We can accept open packages of unused diapers.

Q: Is it necessary that I register my Community Drive?

A:  Yes! Signing up for your drive keeps staff and volunteers informed about all the amazing drives going on in our community, and helps us to provide you with the support you need to fun a successful community drive.

Q: When can I drop off my donations?

A. You can drop off Community Drive goods by prior arrangement at our Central Hub in Issaquah, WA.  For donation deliveries at our West Sound (Bremerton) and Shoreline (Shoreline) Hubs, please email Tricia at  to schedule a drop-off.